Well, all this time, figuring that I was so sick , which was different from my pregnancy with Evan, I for SURE thought I was having a girl. My mom thought I was having a girl, my sister, Justin, pretty much everyone except for maybe two people thought girl. As soon as I started feeling movement, and it wasn't little flutters, it was pretty strong right from the beginning, I just figured it was a very feisty girl. Boy, were we all wrong! There is no doubt about it, as he was even grabbing himself during the ultrasound. Which is SUCH a boy thing...and it starts even earlier than I had realized. It's always so reassuring to see the movement and little hands and feet, only this time I had the 3D which was new to me. Wow, that is an amazing thing. And the technician said he's about 9 oz now, which is also quite amazing, seeing everything has developed - eyes, nose, mouth, ears, feet, toes, hands, heart, kidneys.. and only 9 oz. Other than that news, everything has been a little busy here.. I am in crazy pregnancy "I want everything done, NOW" and have picked out paint for 3 rooms,still have to pick a kitchen color and then I think I'll leave the rest the color they are now.. 1 is done, carpet has been ripped up, in the process of refinishing wood floor in Evan's room, which will be the baby's room after I move Evan upstairs with his big brother. I'm not ready for this move yet, I hope I will be before January. I am not sure if he is ready for it yet either. Evan got the chicken pox this week from a girl at his sitters, he's not too bad because he had the vaccine but he's still miserable. He starts preschool in a week in a half - the stepkids start next week. Soon it will be fall and before you know it, winter and I'll be ready to pop.