Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Winter Blahhhs

Hello everyone. I cannot believe it's been so long since I last posted on here. Course, nobody ever leaves me comments so I don't know if you guys read this or not! To bring everyone up to speed, Carrie and Steve got a new car, Jenny and Scott got a new truck and a new dog named Shelby, and Grandma Bruder called the other day to say they are coming up in Feb. to visit. Evan is missing Brianna and Saleen and is looking at pictures of them frequently. I am prepping him for his birthday that is coming up, and he keeps telling me he wants to sit in Santa's lap. Apparently, a bit o' confusion with the whole Birthday/Christmas, people bring me presents thing. It is cold here, it wasn't too bad but today back to winter, which really sucked b/c i had to go downtown this morning and this evening and thought I would freeze or certainly get picked up by the wind and tossed into the air. Hope everyone is doing well and I miss you guys!

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