6am - Wake up , feel myself up to see which boob is fuller, unleash that boob, feed baby, count number of minutes i have to sleep from time he finishes to time I have to get up, never satisifed with the number..
7:30am - wake up, change diaper (on baby) put his vibrating seat in the bathroom, start water for shower, enter Evan, who pushes me out of the way saying "i gotta pee mommy". Take 1.5 second shower, or at least that is what it feels like. All the while peeking out to make sure that oh, evan didn't decide that he should pick up Cole and take him somewhere. Baby starts crying, i hastily get out of shower, forgetting that conditioner was never rinsed out of hair
7:45am - Evan wants to take a bath and doesn't understand my need to get dressed before i help him.
8:00am- try to dress evan while nursing cole. getting better at this
8:30 - off to babysitters with evan so i can work from home without interruption - well, without interruptions of an almost 4 year old, who has 20 questions about everything.
9am - try to log on to work email, something is wrong and i cannot get in. make coffee
9:15 - get into work email, then house phone rings.. remember while on phone i forgot to turn on the dryer...in 1.2 seconds forget about it again.
9:30-11:30 - baby time, changing, feeding, playing, rocking, etc.
12:00 - oh crap, forgot to put in the mailbox the mail i have been meaning to mail out the last 4 days. oh well, try again tomorrow
12:30 - oh yeah, i should do some work now that the baby is sleeping - as i stare at the couch and daydream about sleeping
12:35 - baby is crying, binky fell out. replace binky. back to work, oh wait, i didn't even start yet
1:00 - baby wants to eat. man this kid eats alot. maybe that is why he is getting 3 chins, and arm and leg rolls.
2ish - oops, must of dozed off after finished feeding Cole. oh well. try to sleep a little longer, that way I'll be more productive this afternoon - yeah, that sounds about right.
2:20 - guess he doesn't want to sleep.
2:30 - ok, time for the swing, that should buy me about 15 minutes to do work.
2:40 - or maybe he'll just puke all over himself and the swing, and then on me. strip down baby, swing, myself. realize i never turned on dryer and hence have no clean bra. not wearing one is not an option, as they have ballooned up to mammoth size and feel like i am carrying a 5 lb weight on each side. stay in wet, dirty clothes until dryer finishes it's cycle.
3:40 - ahh, clean bra, clean shirt. heaven. wait, did i eat lunch yet? nope, and so a grilled cheese seems easy enough.
3:45 - why isn't this grilled cheese cooking? check stove - forgot to turn on burner. that would explain it.
4:00 - Oh yeah, work. let's see here, ok, feed baby so maybe he'll sleep. and then work.
4:45 - ok, baby sleeping, might as well throw in some laundry, put the dishes away and reload the dishwasher, fold the clothes from the dryer, run the vacuum, just really quick.
5:30 - justin home from work. evan home from sitter. time to make dinner. forgot to get key ingredients for dinner while at grocery store other day. damn brain farts.
6:30 - after dinner cleanup, try to do something with evan so he doesn't feel left out and unimportant since new baby came home.
7:30 - tired, so so tired. baby hungry again. evan wants to play some more. i just want sleep, lots and lots of uninterrupted sleep.
8:30 - bargin with evan about bedtime.
9:30 - evan yelling from his room MOMMY. run to see what the emergency is. he is thristy. make deal about how much water he can have, since we don't want a pee filled bed in the middle of the night.
9:45 - evan yelling again. he is hungry this time. make peanut butter bread, and of course, needs something else to drink as peanut butter makes him thirsty.
10:15 - justin has nerve to wink at me and say ' you ready for me baby'? huh. not quite.
10:30 - feed baby, pretend that tonight he will sleep for 4 hour stretches just to make myself feel better.
10:35 - in bed
10:36 sleeping
11:30 - baby awake and hungry
1:00 - wake, whip out boob, feed, burp, repeat with other boob. change diaper. briefly wonder if it would benefit me to wear diapers also, it would save me the precious sleep time it takes me to make my twice nightly trips to the bathroom. think about recent astronaut story. decide to forego diaper wearing for now. worry about bills, think of work that didn't get done. fall back asleep.
3:00 - repeat
4:30- repeat
6:00 - start it all over again..
But, when I look at these two - i realize i wouldn't have it any other way