Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I am sitting at work today and talking to the paralegal. We are chatting it up, and I turn around to look at her and there, sitting in the middle of the freaking office, is a mouse. I stop in midsentence, muttering "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" She follows my gaze to the floor, and the little shit is just sitting there, hovering, quivering, like he has no idea that we are even there. I mean, aren't mice supposed to run from humans? Not walk right into the middle of the f'ing floor and sit down? And then not even move after hearing our squeals? We both panic, not knowing what to do. This clearly falls under "Man's Job". We are not men. We decide to throw a box over top of it and see what happens. It doesn't move, it is trapped. We leave it there, figuring it will die or someone will get it - eventually. Just not us. I leave voicemail for the boss that we do not remember in our job descriptions the wording "pest control". What a little ballsy thing. I am crabby due to our shitty weather, which graced us with 80 degrees last week, only to f'ing snow on Easter, and yes, it's still shitty, although the snow has turned to rain instead. I get the boys from the sitter, get home, give Cole a bath, of course he graces me with a urine shower prior to being placed in the tub. After that , get him out, go to feed him, all is well until the burping period, when somehow he manages to puke not only all over my shoulder, but it slides down my chest right through my cleavage. It's not the best feeling in the world, of this I am sure.


alex said...

Why, Great Scott! zoloft I exclaimed, they must have had them when they were children.. Shortly after cephalexin breakfast Mr.. the norvasc dream Autodidasker--Conversation with Court-Councilor N.. You see how the bare mention of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him. vicodin. It was a good pup, was that Andrew Jackson, and would have made a name for hisself if he'd lived, for the stuff was in him and he had genius--I know it, because he hadn't no opportunities to speak of, soma and it don't stand to reason that a dog could make such a fight as he could under them circumstances if he hadn't no talent.. Around the psychical adderall stuff of dream thoughts there are ever found reminiscences of impressions, not infrequently of early childhood--scenes which, as a rule, have been visually grasped.. He was lying in his little coffin, his hands folded: there were candles all about, and, in short, it was fioricet just like the time of little Otto's death, which shocked me so profoundly.. Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot? That's ritalin your business, sir, not mine.. He did evista not know what injury she might have sustained; She might have been seriously hurt, if not actually killed.. But I knew at flexeril once that he had undone me! What happened was this: The audience got together, attracted by Governor Gorges's name.. He believed, however, that Hotchkiss feared that exposure, and although his own instincts had been at first against that remedy, he was aspirin now instinctively in favor of it.. An' I don't want no prozac one-hoss bonnet neither.. Th' rooms is th' three right along th' hull buspar front o' th' house.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and she has only klonopin been learning eleven quarters.. that he was attacked at night calcium by a suspicious-looking individual...

alex said...

Why, Great Scott! albuterol I exclaimed, they must have had them when they were children.. Shortly after potassium breakfast Mr.. the imitrex dream Autodidasker--Conversation with Court-Councilor N.. You see how the bare mention of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him. cephalexin. It was a good pup, was that Andrew Jackson, and would have made a name for hisself if he'd lived, for the stuff was in him and he had genius--I know it, because he hadn't no opportunities to speak of, insulin and it don't stand to reason that a dog could make such a fight as he could under them circumstances if he hadn't no talent.. Around the psychical fioricet stuff of dream thoughts there are ever found reminiscences of impressions, not infrequently of early childhood--scenes which, as a rule, have been visually grasped.. He was lying in his little coffin, his hands folded: there were candles all about, and, in short, it was celebrex just like the time of little Otto's death, which shocked me so profoundly.. Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot? That's thyroid your business, sir, not mine.. He did benadryl not know what injury she might have sustained; She might have been seriously hurt, if not actually killed.. But I knew at calcium once that he had undone me! What happened was this: The audience got together, attracted by Governor Gorges's name.. He believed, however, that Hotchkiss feared that exposure, and although his own instincts had been at first against that remedy, he was zantac now instinctively in favor of it.. An' I don't want no provera one-hoss bonnet neither.. Th' rooms is th' three right along th' hull percocet front o' th' house.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and she has only depakote been learning eleven quarters.. that he was attacked at night coumadin by a suspicious-looking individual...

Kim said...

huh, and I though all men liked spoogey cleavage...

I can't blame you for the mouse reaction thing, I hate them too. I am surprised though, that the creature came into the middle of the floor like that, they usually only run along the baseboards. Maybe it was a suicide bomber?

alex said...

Why, Great Scott! altace I exclaimed, they must have had them when they were children.. Shortly after imitrex breakfast Mr.. the promethazine dream Autodidasker--Conversation with Court-Councilor N.. You see how the bare mention of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him. diclofenac. It was a good pup, was that Andrew Jackson, and would have made a name for hisself if he'd lived, for the stuff was in him and he had genius--I know it, because he hadn't no opportunities to speak of, ultram and it don't stand to reason that a dog could make such a fight as he could under them circumstances if he hadn't no talent.. Around the psychical apap stuff of dream thoughts there are ever found reminiscences of impressions, not infrequently of early childhood--scenes which, as a rule, have been visually grasped.. He was lying in his little coffin, his hands folded: there were candles all about, and, in short, it was seroquel just like the time of little Otto's death, which shocked me so profoundly.. Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot? That's prednisone your business, sir, not mine.. He did zocor not know what injury she might have sustained; She might have been seriously hurt, if not actually killed.. But I knew at diflucan once that he had undone me! What happened was this: The audience got together, attracted by Governor Gorges's name.. He believed, however, that Hotchkiss feared that exposure, and although his own instincts had been at first against that remedy, he was lipitor now instinctively in favor of it.. An' I don't want no potassium one-hoss bonnet neither.. Th' rooms is th' three right along th' hull viagra front o' th' house.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and she has only pepcid been learning eleven quarters.. that he was attacked at night celebrex by a suspicious-looking individual...

alex said...

Why, Great Scott! cephalexin I exclaimed, they must have had them when they were children.. Shortly after hydrocodone breakfast Mr.. the claritin dream Autodidasker--Conversation with Court-Councilor N.. You see how the bare mention of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him. valium. It was a good pup, was that Andrew Jackson, and would have made a name for hisself if he'd lived, for the stuff was in him and he had genius--I know it, because he hadn't no opportunities to speak of, tetracycline and it don't stand to reason that a dog could make such a fight as he could under them circumstances if he hadn't no talent.. Around the psychical claritin stuff of dream thoughts there are ever found reminiscences of impressions, not infrequently of early childhood--scenes which, as a rule, have been visually grasped.. He was lying in his little coffin, his hands folded: there were candles all about, and, in short, it was spiriva just like the time of little Otto's death, which shocked me so profoundly.. Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot? That's amitriptyline your business, sir, not mine.. He did clindamycin not know what injury she might have sustained; She might have been seriously hurt, if not actually killed.. But I knew at diphenhydramine once that he had undone me! What happened was this: The audience got together, attracted by Governor Gorges's name.. He believed, however, that Hotchkiss feared that exposure, and although his own instincts had been at first against that remedy, he was calcium now instinctively in favor of it.. An' I don't want no diazepam one-hoss bonnet neither.. Th' rooms is th' three right along th' hull thyroid front o' th' house.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and she has only tramadol been learning eleven quarters.. that he was attacked at night verapamil by a suspicious-looking individual...