Monday, March 27, 2006

Front porch episode...

Well, went out with my friend Jo on Friday night. Girls night out... whoo hoo!! We had a blast, it helped, I think, that she had 4 martinis prior to meeting me. A good friend of hers that I had never met, came to the bar to meet us a little while into the night. An hour or so after she got there, and after Jo's 3 more martinis, we decided to go somewhere else. Now, we decided to take only one car, and so we dropped off one at my house. This is where it gets interesting. We pull into the driveway, this girl that I had only met a few hours ago parks her car in my driveway. At that point, my husband comes out to ? "greet" us. Not seeing that there was a complete stranger in our driveway, he decides to moon us- and I don't mean a funny little, top of ass crack moon, I mean, a full on, pants at least down to his knees if not further, bending over as if for a rectal exam - FULL moon. This is not something a guy, under any circumstances, should do. If only I had a picture. The poor girl probably wanted to run back into her car and drive far, far away. Of course, he thought this was just about the funniest thing he had ever done. Quickly, we left. There was quite a bit of silence in the car, until Jo said, "what the FUCK was that?" I had no explanation. I mean, really, what could I say? It was rather funny the next day though, when I asked him if he remembered the girl in the driveway - which of course, he didn't. Turns out he went to high school with her. Now, that's pretty funny stuff. I also asked him when the next time he is going out, and bringing all his buddies to our house. Somehow, I don't think my bending butt ass naked over the porch railing will be quite as funny to him. But, fair is fair, right??


Jay said...

You'll get applause if you reciprocate! That's totally funny though.

Kim said...

lol, your husband and mine would likely be good drinkin buddies.