So, Hubby goes to visit an old friend yesterday afternoon. I speak to him around 5, he at
no time mentions that he is not at home. Told me he got the night off from work, so he'll see me when I get there. OK. So, I have a few things to do but will be home in an hour or so. I get home, and he's not there. I wait, oh, an hour or two and call him. Oh, I am at my favorite watering hole. oh, and I let Jack take your car to go to his house, it's only right around the corner.
WHAT? Oh, come on , it's no big deal. He's fine.
Ok, what time did he leave you?
Oh, I dunno about 1-1/2 hours ago.
HMMMMM.. freak out now or wait?
I say, calmly, (i think it was calmly).. call his ass up right now and get my car back.
He - well, i'll call him in a bit.
I hang up.
1 hour later:
Ring ring!
Yes, DEAR, have you gotten my car back yet?
uhh, no, but i called him.
ahhh, ok.. did he answer?
uhh, no, but, well..
I SWEAR TO GOD, you better figure out what that hell..
Ok, i'll start walking to his house.
Now, it's approx. 11 degrees outside. I am so pissed.
You see, we got a new car, a bigger car that I usually drive.
He usually drives a truck.
This car in this story however, used to be "my car" before we married.
It is now for sale.
Because we don't drive it, I forgot to mail in the regsitration to get tags on it.
So, the car has expired tags.
The friend had a suspended license. which i was told it wasn't suspended anymore, but well, ya know how the shit starts getting deep when they know they have screwed up.
I am flaming pissed.
It is now 10:50p.m. I have work tomorrow. I have a 2 year old that isn't in bed yet. I AM PISSED.
I pack up my son and I , and we drive to the dumbasses house.
There sits my car - PHEW.
I at least know that it is fine. Nobody is dead, arrested or otherwise, at least, the car is in one piece, and not impounded.
But, alas, where can my husband be? He is not in the car, nor at the friends house. I drive, and no, he is not walking down the street.
He is still at the bar.
Skip this part, as I don't even remember what i said as it was now after 11 on a worknight, 2 year old in the backseat, freezin ass cold outside, i didn't want to have to leave the house in the first place.
So, back to the car. It is sitting in the driveway. the hilly driveway, the driveway covered in snow.
and yes, of course it's stuck.
and no, i am not driving and/or pushing it.
after 15 minutes of burning out my clutch , he still hasn't had the car move an inch from where it was in the first place. i make my point well known to him that he better go and get the dumb ass who took the car for 5 hours, drove it down his snow-infested driveway, and make him push it.
Quarter to 12 and I finally pull out of the driveway. Of course, i have to pull over and let him go ahead of me since the whole freakin point is that the car has expired tags. Which he knew...b/c I told him earlier in the week that I didn't renew them yet....
Sometimes I wonder to myself about the logical aspects of men's brains.