Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh Fach!

So, my mom has these chickens at her house.. Henny Penny and Little Guy. Little Guy recently met his untimely demise. At the time, my mom didn't know what got him, but it obviously got him good, b/c when she went out in the morning, there he lay. Now, how do we explain this to Evan? Well, we tell him little guy went to heaven. This has been going on for weeks now, our conversations about little guy and how he went to heaven, and that's why we dont' see him anymore. So, today i'm at the store, and Chef Boyardee is on sale. My stepson loves this stuff. Could probably eat cans and cans of it a day if I let him. So I exclaim to Evan, " oh look, it's on sale! we can get a bunch! Kyle's gonna be in heaven!" To which this little face looks up at me, with a sad look and says, "Mommy, Kyle DIED?" I try to explain that it is only an expression... Many aisles later, I was still reasuring him that Kyle, indeed, is still alive.
This is just one of many conversations that evolved from the chicken's death. The other one being, that the last time Evan visited my mom, he came home and was talking to Kyle and Michaela and his dad in the car about Little Guy. They get home, I had dinner ready. We sit at the table. Evan starts talking about little guy. I say, yes, it's very sad he died.
He says, "mommy, little guy died. Little guy sad. Oh Fach."
I start laughing (i know, the completely inappropriate thing to do when a kid swears, but my God if you would of heard the was he said it, it was so damn funny.
which makes him say, fach fach fach.
I call my mom to tell her the story. We have a good laugh.
He is with her later that week. They are driving and she see's a fox on the side of the road.
"Hey Evan, look at the fox!"
"yeah gra, i see it, i see dat fach"
Mystery solved. I wondered where he got such a word from. Certainly it's not said around this house! I pick him up after that visit. She had explained to me what happened. He must have figured that the fox got the chicken. So, on the way home, he's chattering in the backseat.
"oh mommy, dat fach, i see dat black fach that black fach is dick!"
Again he repeats.
I'm laughing again.
This time, I have figured out the fach aspect, but this new dick word is throwing me for a loop.
"Black fach, Black FACH a DICK!
I say, but grandma said you saw a RED fox?
"No mommy, black fach, black fach a dick!"
Quick email to mom when I get home.
She had forgotten to tell me , there was a black fox on her DECK.
Another mystery solved, but no less funny.

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