Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!

Well, interesting news over here. Just in time for Mothers Day. Last Friday for Cinco de Mayo, I went to a party at my sister's friends house, who is also the person who watches Evan two days a week for me. In the middle of the party she turns to me and says, "someone in this house tonight is pregnant, and I think it's you". I laugh it off, and tell her, yeah I have the sore boobs but it's only because my period is on it's way. So, Sunday morning my sister calls and tells me, "kathy is obsessing about you being pregnant. " I tell her, well, I really don't think so... but, if it'll make you both happy, I'll take a test, just to put this all to rest. Ok. So, she tells me that she is going to call Kathy and tell her (as a joke) that I was really sick and thought I had food poisoning and that I went to the hospital and they told me that : 1.) i was pregnant and 2.) that i was having twins, b/c the pregnancy hormone was so high that I must be having twins. Ha ha ha. So, soon as I get off the phone with her I take the test. Before I can even look at it the phone rings and it's kathy congratulating me on my 'twins'. No sooner does she speak that I look at the stick and low and behold there are TWO LINES. I tell her quickly, wait, wait kathy it was a joke but now i am really not joking and I am looking at the stick and i AM! So we decide to 3 way call my sister and of course she doesn't believe us and thinks we are playing a joke on her now. I had to take a picture of the stick and send it to her for proof. Well, I was pretty surprised and as a matter of fact still surprised, and since I am such a worrier I am worrying like crazy now, but hopefully everything will be ok and I will soon be on my way to gaining the 50+ lbs that I did with Evan. Course if I am calculating it right: My stepson's birthday is in November, mine and my stepdaughters birthdays are in December, the new baby will be in January and then Evan's is in February. Parties 4 months in a row....for the rest of my life!

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