Thursday, February 09, 2006

God should have made moms with the capacity to not go to the bathroom for at least 10 hours

Everytime I have to take, uhh, a little time for myself in the bathroom we have an episode. Or, well it might not be every time, but it seems like it. Nothing compares to the time, of course, that I used to watch Brianna. Upon setting up her and Evan with a movie and figuring all was fine for the few minutes I needed, I came out to find that they had gone into the cupboard, pulled out the Nestle quick mix, somehow figured how to get the lid off the thing, and dumped it all over the living room floor *thank God for wood floors*. Then proceeded to walk in it, spread it all over their faces, arms, feet, hands... etc. I don't even think they were two years old at that time. That was a fun one. Especially when i was trying to bathe them both and clean the floor at the same time. Apparently, Evan has not outgrown his love for chocolate, or his love to smear, draw and find things to get into every time I need to use the facilities. I guess from now on, or at least until he's 21, i should just go with the door open.

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