Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday murmuring..

Is murmuring even a word?
Baileys and milk is good, but Bailey's with no milk is not so good, however, i will drink it anyway.
We are entering week 3 of Justin being laid off. I do not do so well when he is laid off... I panic about when he will be working again and fret over money. i do these things just the same when he is working, except I replace the wonder when he will work again with worrying about him getting hurt on the job. Another ironworker he knew fell on the job a week or so ago, and this one died. good news is that last week, Timmy came over - he drove himself over (hooray!) and can walk with the assistance of two canes. I was so happy to see him in our living room. For those of you who may read this by chance and not know who Timmy is, he is Justin's work partner who fell 42 feet off a building they were working on last July, and was in the hospital forever it seemed. It was just so good to see him out of the hospital, and able to walk and drive.
On another note, make sure you go and visit Kim's blog:, it is hilarious! Note two especially funny stories in the archives - Dr. Dick in from Feb. 05, which i made me laugh so hard I cried, and UPS from the same month. And since she is going on a tropical Hawaiian vacation, i will be guest blogging for her on the 15th. I am nervous, as I am sure I will not be able to compare to her insightful and downright hysterical posts. Ahh, but I am looking forward to seeing what all the other guest bloggers come up with.

1 comment:

Kim said...

silly, you'll do just fine. Thanks for the hype, lol, and sorry to anyone who happens to go read that stuff...My kids have gotten me into more than one mess in my lifetime. I can't wait to return and read all about "my" vacation, lol. Thanks again Ellen for agreeing to guest post!