Monday, February 20, 2006

Potty training sucks

As you can see, Evan is taking the potty training quite seriously. He has fashioned himself a necklace out of the seat. I have done so much laundry upon undertaking this endevor, that the washing machine is tired. I don't know what else to do, other than bribe him, make a huge deal when he actually uses the seat as it was intended, tell him how big that means he is, have long conversations while I sit on a stool next to him in the bathroom about how everyone goes on the potty, read many Thomas the Train books while he sits there, and then have more conversations about how even THOMAS uses the potty. Of course, thomas is a train and all but I mean, if it works, who cares at this point? I never thought I'd be soooo inclined to worry over someone else's bathroom habits. It's just not something you talk about that much. But not only do we talk about it, when there is success, we have to call everyone we know just to tell them the great news!
~ phone rings~
Oh yeah, how you doing?
Well, we just had to call to say that Evan just went poop on the potty.
And then whoever it is that we call (mostly grandparents, my friends with no kids don't fully understand the important nature of these types of calls) have to make a big deal.
Thank God for grandparents!


Kim said...

lol Ellen, I've made a few of those calls in my day...

Kim said...


Come back!!!

You're a blogger!!!

You can't not post! It threatens to ruin the originality of my penchant for sporadic posting, we can't have that!!!