Tuesday, February 28, 2006

You have got to try this...

There's a website called myheritage.com, you can upload pictures of yourself and anyone in your family. Then they do some "face recognition" and tell you what celebrity you most resemble. It does NOT turn out the way you think it would... for example
1. Evan supposedly looks like Eleanor Roosevelt! haa haa
2. I supposedly look like Debra Winger and some Japanese chick
And, the best, I saved for last...
3. Justin looks like a cross between Tony Danza and Whitney Houston!! OHHH harr I was laughing so hard, especially that he is not black, or italian, or looks like anything other a blonde haired, blue eyed Irish boy. Sooo funny.


Kim said...

I'll have to check this out... so why am I afraid?

Kim said...

ok, I know why now.

Kelly Clarkson, Elizabeth Hurley, Jang Nara, Donovan Baily, Cecil Rhodes, and GEORGE BUSH. omg.